Smoothie Update

There are now kiwis going into the smoothies. The idea of putting whole fuzzy fruit in there was weird at first, but honestly it disappears in there like everything else.

Aside from that, I wanted to write a little update on how the smoothie making routine has formed up over the last few months.

    1) Buy bulk fruits and veggies at Costco

    2) Use raw if you can,

    3) but if it’s something that’s going to go bad before you can use it all, then you need to get it into the freezer. And if you’re using frozen fruit and veggies for smoothies, it needs to be in usable chunks.

      a) baby carrots. Add a couple paper towels to the bag to absorb excess moisture, stays in the fridge no problem for a long time.

      b) baby spinach. Use a fresh handful in each smoothie until it starts to wilt. At the first signs of wilting fill freezer bags with the spinach, and then add water to cover it all, squeeze out the air as you zip the bag closed. You want the bag to be flat, maybe an inch thick, when you put it in the freezer. Not bulging. I was skeptical of this process at first, but have successfully broken the ice chunks apart for smoothie use.
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Green Smoothies Day 5!

1 banana – peeled and quartered,
1 orange – quartered and peeled,
1 apple – quartered & seeds removed,
10 cherry tomatoes,
~Dozen baby carrots,
~Dozen grapes with seeds,
1 large handful of spinach,
9 fat cubes of ice.
Makes: 2 large glasses full

Today, I made the smoothies all by myself! Mike was a little anxious. I kept having to shoo him away. 😉 All went well. This stuff filled the blender jar more, but it handled it just fine. Extra ice was added in the glasses. And, Delicious!

Green Smoothies Every Day!

Here’s what was in today’s smoothie:

1 banana
1 fuji apple, with core (no seeds – poisonous)
1/2 a valencia orange, peeled
8 fat grapes, with seeds
1 handful of spinach
8 cherry tomatoes, colorful
4 baby carrots (2″-3″ each)
9 square ice cubes
Makes: 2 large glasses full

We’ve made these every morning since my first post (4 smoothies total, so far). My stomach is a little weirded out by these very foriegn foods, but it’s getting better. Mike fed me a probiotic. We’ll see if that helps tomorrow. I’m still very happy about all of this.