Castaway’s Oasis (cocktail)

Castaway's Oasis Cocktail


  • 1/2 Lime
  • 0.5 oz Passion Fruit 
  • 0.75 oz Galliano
  • 1.5 oz Vodka
  • 1 Large Ice Cube


  1. Build in a Shaker
  2. Cut up the lime, add to shaker
  3. Measure and add the liquid ingredients
  4. Crack a large (2+ inch) ice cube and add
  5. Shake vigorously 
  6. Pour into a glass
  7. Grab one of the lime slices and squeeze into glass, coat rim, and add to glass


  • 6/7/2024 – New development!
  • We’re making this for 2, so we double everything and do this once for 2 drinks
    • Alt #6. Split between 2 – 8 oz glasses, as pictured

Apricot Brandy


Apricot Brandy
  • Boil dried apricots for 2-3 mins
  • Place in a jar, fill with triple filtered vodka
  • Add an airtight lid and let it sit for 2+ weeks
  • Once a day, flip the jar back and forth a couple times to stir the contents
  • After 2 weeks, taste test, leave it longer if needed
  • When it’s ready strain the liquid off of the apricots (which will no longer have any flavor)
  • Refrigerate, and if you have it around more than a month keep an eye out for mold and toss if you seen any forming in the liquid (cloudiness in not good)
  • Enjoy on ice or in cocktails