9 – disappointing

I watched the movie “9” tonight. It was pretty, and interesting, and had a fairly stellar cast of actors for the voices. I spent most of the movie holding on to my “suspension of disbelief” only to have my hopes crushed in the last 5 minutes. This is to say that while watching, I thought the actual story was a bit thin. In the end it was incomprehensible. There are so many holes in the plot, it’s making me crazy to think on it.

past the break there will be spoilers… Continue reading

Movie: Alien Trespass

Went to see a sneak preview of the movie Alien Trespass tonight. It’s done in honor of 1950’s era monster/alien films, and I think they hit just the right note. Not mocking, but not taking it seriously either, which I believe is in the spirit of those old movies. Good acting, with lots of familiar faces. Great sets and props (we even got to have a polaroid geek moment over the modified camera used by Cody in the film). The story was well paced with a good amount of humor that kept us smiling all the way thru, and chuckling regularly. And last but not least, they had a real theremin player. Quite fun!