Kurchta in Hospice

My dearest friend since high school, Kurchta Harding, is in hospice care. I knew she was sick before. Her wife Faith has been keeping a journal for friends and family to read. It’s that I just learned she was moved to hospice and I’m incredibly sad.

19930500-Kurchta Snow

Fannish Find

We found an odd and highly unlikely thing in one of the shops in Port Townsend. Mike pointed it out because it had Brian Froud’s signature on it. I looked closer. It’s an unfolded program cover from Norwescon 21, Easter weekend, 1998. I was there, and I had things signed by Froud, but not by Neil Gaiman, whose signature is also on this (the signing lines for Gaiman were hours long). The person who consigned it here seemed to have no idea, as nothing was said about it. Even though it’s large and right across the middle. I wasn’t certain, but the gal at the shop looked up his signature and sure enough, it’s his. She was envious that this had been under her nose and she had no idea. For a mere $25 I got this and the 25th Anniversary edition of Fairies as well.


Is it a Snowflake or not?

Examples of yes and no. These chocolates show both a 6 point snowflake and an 8 pointed fake.

If it has 6 point, then it is in fact a snowflake. If it has 8 points, then it is NOT. It’s also accurate to have 12 points. More rare, but still accurate are 3 and 9 points. You see snowflakes, or snow crystals naturally form this way. Eight points will never occur in nature.

Check out the mass of “snow crystals” images on Google here.