Labyrinth Quote-Along

Labyrinth Quote Along at Seattle’s SIFF Cinema

Somehow I never saw “Labyrinth” in the theater when it came out in 1986. It’s the kind of movie my mom would have taken me to, but somehow we missed it. So when I heard that it was playing at the SIFF Cinema over the weekend I jumped on the chance to go. I’ve probably seen this movie 50 times, just never on the big screen, so it was quite the treat. It’s been one of my all time favorite movies for nearly 25 years!

As You Like It

Shakespeare in the Park – “As You Like It” – presented by GreenStage

Mok as minstrel Oof! plot thickens not good

I learned of this at the last minute, and Mike and I rushed out the door to go see it. Other than the old ladies who brought full size folding chairs and sat down in front of us, it was quite a lot of fun. I really want to pay better attention to the free Shakespeare in the park shows in the future. My friend Mok was in this show, and is how I learned of it, of course, and I think he did a marvelous job in the variety of small and medium roles he played (almost everyone in the cast had at least two parts). The whole cast was good. A couple were harder to hear than most, but we were able to keep up with the comic story with no trouble. Great fun! [Many More Photos on Flickr]