

Michael’s Birthday

A few years back, Mike and I made an amazing German Chocolate Cake for Michael’s birthday, from Scratch. It took 3-4 hours of work, for both of us together, to complete. This is a cheat version of that cake. This time I got a box mix for the cake, but I made the filling and frosting from the crazy complicated version. It came out lovely, and a couple people flattered me by saying they thought it was from a professional bakery.

It was a great little dinner party, everyone had fun, especially Michael.


While out dancing with a friend, I received this photo.

Deep Kitty Sleep

Simon was deep asleep here, puddling on the chair arm. We were a little afraid he would fall off.

Corporal Cuddling

Simon loves to be held, sooooo much!

Xmas with Mike

When Mike got home from San Diego, we had our belated xmas gift exchange. Simon got in on the fun too.