Tag Archives: On a Walk
A Wee Walk
I would have been fine if there hadn’t been so many steep bits. As it was, it was a third too long. See that weird loop street on the upper left of the middle? We were really hoping to find a path down in there, but the park is a very steep ravine in that area, so no luck, and extra walking to boot. Weeeee!
Zoo & Rose Garden
Mother’s Day at the Zoo
Took Mom to the zoo today. Seems like we walked around a lot, but didn’t see very much. At least, I didn’t take a whole lot of pictures. Of well. It was not too hot, and not too sunny, but it was definitely crowded.
Zoo has Ocelot Kittens
I took Mom and Donna to the zoo today, and we got to see the ocelot kittens, and a few other things. Full set of pics here.